Abstract Art Therapy: A Creative Way to Meditate and Relax
Abstract art is a form of artistic expression that does not rely on realistic representation of objects or scenes but rather uses colours, shapes, lines and gestural marks to create a visual composition.
But did you know that abstract art can also be good for your mental health?
In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of abstract art therapy to meditate and relax. Abstract art therapy is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
According to ‘The Conversation’, engaging in artistic activities can promote mental health by stimulating the brain’s reward system, enhancing self-esteem, reducing negative emotions and increasing positive ones.
Art can also help us tap into a state of flow, which is a state of deep concentration and enjoyment that can be restorative and energising, according to The Benefits of Art Therapy for Mental Health.
Furthermore, art can provide a catharsis for difficult emotions, a distraction from stressful thoughts and experiences, and a chance to express ourselves creatively. Check Art Activities for Stress Relief for further information.
In abstract art therapy, anyone can create or appreciate abstract art, regardless of their artistic talent or experience. Abstract art can also be more freeing and less intimidating than realistic art because there is no right or wrong way to make or interpret it.
Abstract art can allow us to explore our feelings and thoughts without judgement or censorship. It can also challenge us to see things from different perspectives and to find beauty and meaning in unexpected places.
One of the easiest ways to enjoy abstract art is to create it yourself. You don’t need any fancy materials or tools; you can use whatever you have at hand, such as paper, pencils, crayons, markers, paints, collage material, etc.
You can also use a sketchbook or a journal to create abstract drawings or paintings that reflect your mood, thoughts, dreams, imaginations or experiences. You can experiment with different shapes, colours, textures, patterns and movements to create your own unique abstract compositions.
You can also try colouring mandalas, which are circular designs that symbolise wholeness and harmony. Studies show that art colouring mandalas can minimise anxiety and combat negative moods.
If you prefer to appreciate abstract art rather than create it yourself, you can also benefit from its relaxing and stress-relieving effects.
You can visit an art gallery or museum that exhibits abstract art or you can browse online collections or books of abstract art.
You can also find abstract art in your everyday environment, such as in nature, architecture or design.
When you look at abstract art, try to keep an open mind and let your imagination run free. Don’t worry about finding the right meaning or interpretation; just focus on how the artwork makes you feel.
What emotions does it evoke? What memories does it trigger? What associations does it create? What questions does it raise?
As you can see, abstract art is not only a fascinating and diverse form of artistic expression but also a valuable tool for relaxation, stress and anxiety.
By creating or appreciating abstract art, you can enhance your mental health, reduce your stress levels and enjoy a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Here is a selection of my Abstract Acrylic Paintings and Abstract Oil Paintings for your further review.
What is Abstract Art?
Abstract art does not attempt to depict or represent reality. Abstract artists rely on the power, meanings and associations of the elements of abstract art, such as colours, shapes and lines to create and express their emotions and ideas.
Abstract art may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world, or it may be based on an object, figure or landscape that has been simplified or exaggerated.
Abstract art emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to the traditional and academic art of the 19th century and as a way to explore new possibilities of expression, perception and aesthetics.
You can find more information about the definition and meaning of abstract art in this blog: What is Abstract Art?
What is Art Therapy?
Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses tactile media to help people express and communicate their feelings.
Art therapy can benefit people from different backgrounds, ages and abilities, and help them find a way to cope with complex and confusing emotions as well as develop self-awareness and growth.
It can help people cope with stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, substance use disorder, medical conditions and other mental health issues.
Art therapy is delivered by trained art therapists (also known as art psychotherapists who are registered with, for example, the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the UK.
Art therapists use a variety of art methods, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, photography, etc. to help people express and articulate their thoughts and feelings through art making.
Art therapists also help people analyse their artworks and explore how they make them feel. Art therapy can be done individually or in groups, depending on the needs and preferences of the clients.
Art therapy doesn’t require any artistic skill or talent to benefit from it. Anyone can create or appreciate art in a safe and supportive environment with a professional art therapist.
You can find out more about What is art therapy?
Abstract art and art therapy
Art therapy can use abstract art as one of the possible media for self-expression and communication. Abstract art can be beneficial for art therapy because it allows people to let go of any thought process. The activities are not necessarily about the result of art or artistic creativity.
Abstract art can help people express emotions, ideas and experiences that are beyond words and to find beauty and meaning in unexpected places. It can also challenge people to stimulate their creativity, curiosity and wonder.
Here is an interesting case study about “Searching for the science behind art therapy “ published by PANS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
The Benefits of Abstract Art Therapy
The benefits of abstract art therapy are not exclusive to abstract art. They can apply to almost all types of art therapy. Here are some of the benefits of art therapy in general:
- Reducing stress. Art therapy can help lower your cortisol levels, which are associated with stress and increase your positive emotions, such as joy and relaxation.
- Promoting insight and self-compassion. It may help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your feelings and your experiences as well as foster a more accepting and kind attitude towards yourself.
- Enhancing self-esteem and communication skills. Art therapy can help you develop a positive self-image and confidence in your abilities, as well as improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills with yourself and others.
- Stimulating a sense of self-worth. Art therapy may help you feel more in control of your life and choices, and more valued and respected for your unique perspective and voice.
How does Abstract Art Help in Art Therapy
As mentioned previously, abstract art doesn’t depict real objects. It creates visual expressions using the elements of art, such as colours, shapes and lines. Abstract artists rely on their unrestricted creative abilities to express emotions, ideas and imagination.
For those unique characteristics, abstract art can help art therapy in several ways including:
- Allowing for more abstract forms of communication. Abstract art can help people express and articulate thoughts and feelings that are beyond words or that they find difficult to verbalise. It can also facilitate problem-solving and conceptual and abstract thought.
- Providing a sense of freedom and creativity. As mentioned earlier, there is no right or wrong way to make or interpret abstract art. Therefore, abstract art may help people explore their imagination and experiment with different possibilities, perceptions and aesthetics.
- Reducing judgement and censorship. Abstract art allows people to express their emotions and experiences without fear of being judged or criticised by themselves or others. It can help people challenge their assumptions and biases, and see things from different perspectives.
- Stimulating the subconscious. The activities of creating or viewing abstract art can help people manifest elements of their subconscious that they may not be aware of or willing to acknowledge. It can help people discover hidden meanings in their artworks.
- Enhancing self-awareness and insight. Through abstract art, people may gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their feeling and their experiences by reflecting on their artworks and exploring the meanings behind them. It may also help identify and release emotions that have been held inside.
Abstract Art Therapy for Meditation and Relaxation
Abstract art therapy can help with meditation and relaxation by combining the benefits of mindfulness with the creative process of art.
Mindfulness-based art therapy is a therapeutic treatment that combines the philosophy of mindfulness within an art therapy setting.
Meditative painting is a type of art therapy activity that can be very calming and therapeutic, combining the relaxing powers of meditation and creation.
By focusing on the creative process and letting go of the need for a specific outcome, individuals enter a meditative state that promotes relaxation and stress relief.
Here are some examples of how abstract art therapy may help relaxation and stress relief:
- Invokes positive memories. People can use abstract art to recall and relieve positive experiences and emotions that are associated with certain colours, shapes or forms. For example, a person may feel calm and happy when they see a blue abstract painting that reminds them of the sky or the ocean. It is also possible for abstract art to create new positive memories by engaging in enjoyable and rewarding activities.
- Shifts the focus. Abstract art can help people shift their attention away from their worries and problems, and focus on the present moment and the sensations of creating or viewing art. It helps to shift their perspective and see things from different angles and viewpoints. This can help them to gain new insights and solutions for their challenges.
- Changes the stimuli. This type of art may help people change their environment and mood by introducing new stimuli that are different from their usual routines and surroundings. It can stimulate the senses, the imagination and the curiosity of the viewers and creators. Abstract art can also provide a contrast to the negative stimuli that may cause stress, such as noise, clutter or conflict.
- Provides a welcome distraction. Abstract art can work as a distraction from daily stresses and may help people cope better with difficult emotions by engaging in creative and expressive activities. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when people view or complete their artworks or appreciate their beauty.
- Enhances cognitive flexibility. Abstract art helps to improve the ability to switch between different tasks, strategies and mental states. It can also help adapt to changing situations and cope with uncertainty and ambiguity.
- Fosters creativity and innovation. Abstract art can help generate new and original ideas, solutions and products. It helps to overcome mental blocks and break free from conventional thinking patterns.
- Improves emotional regulation. Abstract art helps to manage emotions and moods by providing a safe and constructive outlet for expression and communication. It can also help people modulate their arousal levels by creating calming or stimulating effects.
- Strengthens social skills. Abstract art can help people develop their empathy, perspective-taking and communication skills by exposing them to different viewpoints and experiences. It can also help to build social bonds and trust by sharing their artwork and feedback with others.
How to Use Abstract Art to Reduce Stress and Relieve Anxiety
There are different ways to use abstract art to reduce stress and relieve anxiety, depending on your preferences and needs. Here are some suggestions:
- Choose an abstract art that is relaxing to you. Select an abstract art that appeals to you aesthetically, emotionally or intellectually. Choose an abstract art that has soothing colours, shapes or patterns that evoke positive memories or feelings for you.
- Find a quiet place in your house or office to view it. You can create a comfortable and peaceful space where you can enjoy your abstract art without any distractions or interruptions.
- Create your own abstract art. You can use abstract art as a form of self-expression and creativity. Use any materials, tools and techniques that you like and follow your intuition and feelings.
- Listen to some music while viewing or creating your abstract art. you can enhance your experience of abstract art by listening to some of your favourite music that matches or contrasts with the mood or theme of the art. Listen to some music that relaxes or stimulates you.
- Use abstract art as a meditation tool. Use abstract art as a focal point for your meditation practices. You can look at abstract art and observe its details, colours, forms and meanings. Breathe deeply and calmly and let go of any thoughts or worries that arise.
Intuitive art for relaxation
Making intuitive art can be another suggestion for relaxation. Intuitive art is a form of art that does not follow any rules or guidelines but rather relies on the intuition and feelings of the artist.
Intuitive art allows for spontaneous and authentic expression. It provides us with a sense of freedom and creativity because intuitive art isn’t necessarily about making art.
I have written a comprehensive article about intuitive art. If you are interested in more details, please check “6 Amazing Facts About Intuitive Art”.
Final Thoughts About Abstract Art Therapy
Abstract art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses abstract art to improve wellbeing. It promotes stress relief, emotional resilience, cognitive and creative self-expression through nonverbal communication.
It also inspires human connection and self-discovery, enhances independence and confidence in one’s own abilities, as well as reduces feelings of anxiety or depression. The American Art Therapy Association describes its main functions as:
- improving cognitive and sensorimotor functions,
- fostering self-esteem and self-awareness,
- cultivating emotional resilience,
- promoting insight,
- enhancing social skills,
- reducing and resolving conflicts and distress, and
- promoting societal and ecological changes.
Abstract art plays a significant role in art therapy as it allows individuals to express themselves freely without the constraints of realistic representation.
Abstract art therapy can also be used for meditation and relaxation, similar to the benefits of flow, which can improve performance and lower stress levels.
The benefits of abstract art therapy are significant and can help individuals overcome emotional and mental challenges.
The content of this article is based on my personal experience and opinion as an abstract artist. I am not a licensed or certified art therapist, nor do I claim to be one. The information and suggestions in this article are not intended to replace professional advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified mental health provider. If you are suffering from any mental or emotional issues, please seek help from a professional as soon as possible. This article is also not intended to provide any financial, legal, medical or other advice that may affect your life or wellbeing. Please do your own research and consult with an expert before making any important decisions. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my article.
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